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2020 國事系所 Study Buddy 教學互助計畫

偉大的Study Buddy計畫終於上路,這是將領取獎學金的國際學生服務時數,引導進國事系教學的重大政策,全校學生與系所還在迷惑這其中關連,國事系已經開始運作,讓國際學生能夠發揮專長,讓各課學生可以有更有品質的教學。各位同學你們要珍惜這個機會,你們的Study Buddy跟你們都一樣,在學習中成長,這樣的關聯與經驗是珍貴的。大家加油!

The grand Study Buddy Project was launched in late September, YES! Connecting the service hour of foreign students with scholarship and local students who needs English training, Study Buddy will lead our way to a better future of DIA. Please do cherish the time we have together, and do talk to your Study Buddy!


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